I'm having a bit of a freezer purge at the moment, trying to eat up all the good food I had squirreled away to make room for more "new" good food to be squirreled away. My capacity to eat the same happily ever day is well documented, but there comes a time when even I need a change.
Also this....
I think the books are breeding when I'm not looking, those are just the vegan books. Some of them I have never cooked from yet, some I have cooked one thing from and Appetite for Reduction has got a phenomenal workout. My most used cookbook ever I think.
And as you can see round the edges there are even more cook books, the non-vegan collection. I think I might need to have a bit of a purge of those, if for no other reason than to make more room for the vegan ones. Probably if I have never cooked out of the non-veg ones by now, I never will and they might be the first candidates to be rehomed. Although I'm tempted to just rehouse them in another book case, some fond memories and a lot of passion is tied to those books. Not to mention the food magazines...yeah I'm a food ho! I am slave to food porn, celebrity chefs and worship at the specialist kitchen stores. Truly I am beyond help, there is nothing left but to save yourselves! :)