Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I am Catwoman Hear Me Roar!

I watched Catwoman last night, I thorughly enjoyed it. I don't know what all the bad reveiws were about it was a very entertaining. I also perved on The Rock in Walking Tall. Which is a very very good movie, and I am not just saying that because The Rock is in it. When I dragged my sister to the cinema on the final day of Walking Tall she was sceptical. But afterwards she was impressed, she went in there thinking oh yes some wrestler has made a movie *eyeroll*. But she was proved wrong and I got to sit and gloat over that last night as I drank Kahlua coffee which is absolutely delish!

I worked on the Quick Knit Scarf during Catwoman. It does knit quickly, when your knitting it. I'm hoping that will be the next thing finished on my list.

The Underworld project, on closer inspection of the black yarn may only be a scarf after all. I don't want to take on a too complex wrap if I have to undo it. Maybe I should unravel it all and measure it? Maybe that's a bit too enthusiastic even for me.

Sharon a fellow Snb'er has started her own blog, I love a new knitting blog to read. You can check out her blog Shazzas Knits by clicking here.

Also while jumping around blogs I came across this one Disorderly Witches, as opposed to orderley one? I wonder what the difference really is. But the blog itself was a good read.

And finally after seeing these on a number of other blogs I had to get one for myself so you'd all be fairly warned.

Suzi is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.



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