Friday, June 24, 2005

One Week!

One week! In a week's time I will be going to see Alice Cooper. I can't believe it and I am aboslutely still excited. If it turns out to be not good (highly unlikely) I will be disappointed.

I didn't work on the Devil Hat last night, this is very bad since I want it done by next Friday. I will work on it tonight and all weekend. I think it will knit quickly - now if only I could get it to knit itself like Mrs Weasley's knitting.....

Something else exciting I haven't talked about was the Bendigo Shade Card which arrived on Tuesday. For their new wool, I don't remmebr it's name but it's got a bit of everything in it. I would have liked a more diverse choice of colours personally.

Another something I haven't talked about is the Deadman's Hoodie. It's kind of in limbo because I'm trying to decide if Bendogo's 12 -ply would be a suitable substitute for the yarn specified in the pattern. The question of gauge bamboozles me. The pattern is knit on 6mm needles and gets 14 stitiches, Bendigo 12-ply knits up on 6mm to 16 stitches. I'm hesitating to purchase the wool until I can decide if it will make a major difference or not.

For those not up on this conversation, I decided to take the pattern for the Boyfriend Hoodie in the first Vogue Knit 1 ( I still haven't got the second one yet - I couldn't find any at Kings Meadows when I went out.) and add the free skull pattern from Domknitrix to the sleeves creating a Deadman's Hoodie!

Now that I have dazzled you with my blindingly creative genius of an idea, go on admit it you were dazzled! I'm going to admire people who are really creative - Glampyre is one of my faves.

Until next time,
A bona fide devilish red head and damn proud of it.

1 comment:

2paw said...

Suzi - happy Alice Cooper!! Yes, I got the new shade card too - they don't have a big colour choice, but that's the price we pay!!
Re the gauge, Iif you knit the Bendigo wool on 1/2 or 1 size larger needles, you will get 'bigger' knitting and less stitches to the inch, so you can adjust the needle size to get the tension you need. You would have to make a swatch to get it right though - and here's where I say I never do!!!!!