After two nights of driving me round the twist the daft white cat fianlly has the balck and white cat back home with him, but all he does is run away with his tail puffed out like a bottle brush.
Clearly I've brought an imposter home with me form the vet.
The imposter has sat around most of the afternoon, either in the bathroom, briefly in the living room before retireing back into his carrier box. He's since vacted the box, and the white cat is now hiding on top of a wardrobe and the black and white cat is under my chair.
Tonight might be another long night.
I attended my local SNB Birthday on Tuesday, worked on the sock Wednesday, and am now writing a very brief post on my blog. The white cat has kept me awake the last two nights so I am too tired to write anything. I just want to sleep.
1 comment:
Glad the Black and White cat is well again. Has the real one been abducted by aliens and replaced by a changeling????
Hope you get some sleep soon!! I have put a letter on our S'nB site for you to peruse!!
Harki-Parki-Parker-Posey and
Peri Naughty the Golden Labradors
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