Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year One and All!

Well dear readers it's offical 2006 has started and so far the world hasn't ended.

If anybody made it to Aurora Stadium tonight I would love to hear about it I didn't make it myself and am very disappointed. Also anybody who's been to the Taste in Hobart, maybe next year for me.

Speaking of next year I'm already making notes to myself, if staying in find someone worth staying in with. Not that the complete season 3 of CSI isn't good enough - that is after all a lot of Grissom. But he's hardly going to see the New Year in with me and a bottle of bubbly. Furthur note to self, start saving now and you may be able to have a magnum of Krug for New Year 2008.

Also I received in my Inbox tonight an e-mail from Spun magazine. The new issue is up at last! Yeah!

Ona final note anybody First Footing tonight, don't forget something black!


Cathy said...

Happy New Year Suzi.

Aurora Stadium was excellent last night. The fireworks at 9.45 were better than the midnight ones but they were both very good shows.

The food was good and the entertainment was top notch.


Sharon said...

Happy New Year to you also, I stayed home, very boring I know, watched Elton John and Long Way To The Top on the telly.

Cathy said...

Went to the Taste of Tasmania in Hobart yesterday and it's no where near as good as Festivale.

Big crowds of people in a small area and a most of them were verrrrrrrrrrrry ignorant and stood in the middle of the small walkways talking or lining up for food and wine.There was seating inside and out as well as entertainment for adults as well as children but we were really disappointed.
