Saturday, April 21, 2007

Avast Me Heartys!

I am huge follower of too much of a good thing is wonderful, but too much of a good thing gone bad....Pirates I love them dearly, but there comes a time when most things hit an all time high and suddenly it's everywhere!

Now it's Pirates...which isn't so bad we could do with some more skulls and things in our lives I think. But sometimes it's a little too much, and not always particularly brilliant. But this could top it all, or surprise me in a good way.
We are talking about reality television here, the Pirate Master. I'll have to wait and see to judge.

On the knitting front, I temporarily put aside Miss Stash's HUS Armwarmer from SNB Nation. To start something else, took me two hours the other evening and I almost got it finished. My only regret was not starting earlier in the evening because I could have got it all done! Back to the Armwarmer today....

At home, I have started to have the big purge I promised myself I will always do. So far I have started on one of the biggies (and easiest!) the Recycling!
I read magazines, lots of magazines, I acquire them myself, from other people or sometimes in a second hand store.
Finally got around to sifting through them, I tossed a whole heap into the Recycling, which was very satisfying. Mostly I was keeping them because they had recipes I wanted. So I pulled out what I wanted, then I got to sort my recipe collection. Put all the things I want to make in the near future in a special folder and stacked the others into another folder ready to sort for future reference.

Now, I am going to invest in a large plastic crate to store all my food magazines in! As I am not going to part with any of them in the near future, they all live in a giant stack at the moment, apart from my Delicious which live on the cook book shelf because I really love them.
Speaking of Delicious, I discovered I could download the recipe index's for each year 2002 to 2006 as PDF's. And learned how to search them! How excellent!

I Touch Myself by the Divinyls is playing on the radio, there is a great Buffy reference to this, form the episode Lie To Me in the first season.
Tonight is the first episode of The sideshow with Paul McDermott and the final of West Wing....Although Miss Stash says she thinks they did make a single season of the new president????

Today is all my own, I have had a flat out week this last week, actually the week before it was quite busy as well. However today I am going to sit around in my dressing gown, drinking tea and eating toast and jam. Possibly planning the next adventure of Captain Denny and Matt Caveman. We haven't had one for a while. I have no idea where they may go this time.
And also because they are so much fun, the Armwarmers, the colour changes and how nice the Noro feels may outweigh the fact that it breaks and I may invest in some for myself to knit a pair next. Actually there is a scarf I want to make in it as well, I may get all the same colour # and see if I can create a coordinating set.


Anonymous said...

Well done on the knitting and excellent organisational goal. I always have good intentions but the road to hell etc etc. No, there is no 8th season. The site has an 8th season listed but it is just bits and bobs: a special and maybe some repeats. Tell Miss Stash NOT to hold her breath!!

metal and knit said...

I wish I could sit around in my pj's and drink tea all day maybe another week but it will be a while yet for that to happen. Speaking of Reality TV Bog brother just sparks my knitting on so much better.

Sharon said...

I love sitting around in my PJs, bliss!!

Delicious magazines are my favourite and I have the whole set thanks to a purchase off ebay for the earlier ones, which in my opinion are better than the later ones.

Check your comments on the previous post you may be surprised ;)