Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year, New Ideas?

I do have quite a few pictures from Christmas, and lots of stuff to write about both Christmas and New Year. I think that can all wait, because once again I have been over thinking things.

I have been watching a lot of 30 Rock, if you read regulary you'll know I bought Season 2 with gift cards from last Christmas as there were no copies of Season 1 in stock.
I've finished all of Season 2 and since picked up Season 1 on sale so I'm now halfway through these episodes.

And as it approaches the end of year/moving into the new year, I start thinking about what I have done with my past year and what I hope to do with the coming year. There's also a bit of debate about what I'll be doing in 5 years, or 10 years, or where and what I'll be doing 50 years from now. Too much thinking!

Back to 30 Rock and the fabulous Tina Fey charactor Liz Lemon, during season 1 we see her holding the make-up artisits baby and walking the studio hallway to entertain the baby and then suddenly Liz finds herself in her apartment with the baby.
Here is were the continuing story line of Liz Lemon and her desire to have a baby stems from, Liz Lemon 30-something single career gal. Yeah I think we can all see the how this will unfold.

While trawling the interwebs reading up on veganisim and vegetarnisim I was reading some parenting and family threads on some of these forums, I'll admit it's sort of interesting to read other people's dramas and exclaim to my computer screen "Who are these people????" because my family is so mellow evidently.
I was reading a thread by a not yet 30-something girl, talking about if not settled down with someone in the future to start a family, adopting as a single parent.

This thread combined with Liz Lemon had me thinking about me and what I want in my future, children are something other people have. I've always figured there'd be plenty of time if it was for me after all. There was so much I wanted before "settling", so many places I wanted to see, things to I wanted to learn (although I have learnt music and languages are not my forte at all), so much to do and it seemed so much time to do it in.

You know what? There isn't, there really isn't. I don't know how many people saw the Australian documentary Maverick Mother, described as follows from the site as:

Tired of waiting for the perfect partner, and alarmed by the deafening tic-toc of her biological clock, 39-year-old filmmaker Janet Merewther decides to take life into her own hands and embark on a journey into the new social phenomenon of solo motherhood by choice.

I'm thinking is this going to be me in 10 years? Because from past experience 10 years is barely scratching the surface, I don't actually know what the next 10 years holds or how it will unfold.
There is so much I want to do, and when you have kids, you have to make sacrifices, you can't expect to live the way you did pre-kids.
Someday always seemed an appropiate time frame for having kids, someday dosen't seem quite as viable any more. Now it seems more like it needs a firm time frame, you know x amount of years. Which is a tad a scary actually.

1 comment:

2paw said...

Over thinking: yes, I do that too. You never know the direction your life will take, and so you can plan all you like, but you pretty much have to go with the flow.
In saying that, you can also choose to do whatever you want, so that's nice!!
50 years?? Don't think I'll be around to see what you're up to then!!!