Oh Drama! as the Discworld Death would put it, after the mass panic of trying to organise Christmas because I thought I would have to work, I'm not rostered on. YES!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!! Excuse me while I have my When Harry Met Sally moment!
I have had a busy feral day today, started out at 9:30am this morning, went to the sacred Godlen Arches for brekafast and a latte, Ms Stash discovered her milk had expired and her bread jammed in the toaster she seconded this as a sound idea. On route to Ms Stash's current work I popped into a newsagency, picked up the English Women's Weekly (which really does come out weekly) Christmas Special (I normally buy them in the lead up to Christmas but forgot this year), the latest Simply Knitting with bonus Rowan magazine and 2007 calander and also an issue of Vogue's Knit 1 - the TV issue. Last one I saw was the art issue, and I am still going to track it down, the Wool Shack I am certain will have it.
Ms Stash brandished the new Yarn beneath my nose and said do you have this? No I do not have that, I've been waiting to see it. Ms Stash dashed off with it, I'm buying it! It has shawl patterns! Did I go and seek a copy for myself? No I merely chased Ms Stash with hers. Shawls?!?!?!?!?!?? Let me see!!!!!
Then in to the busy metroplis that is a shopping centre, try to get parked, then fight through shops in search of my new Santa hat, it's mauve and has "Spoiled" emblanzed across it's white fur trim.
Then to town, bought the last of the Christmas presents, stopped for a drink before I fell over with Sandra D. We returned to the car, only to then have to return to my house so I could change my top because all the heat and rushing had made me revolting. Then to the supermarket, get round with all but two things and then wait by the frozen pastry cabinet while Sandra D goes for evaporated milk. Wait longer by frozen pastry cabinet, start to feel like daft white cat, still wait. Give up after convinced deli staff are staring and retreat to meat section for sausage mince, guess who forgot to get it out of the freezer last night???
On way back to frozen pastry find Sandra D who has more than evaporated milk. Buy shredded ham from deli and leave supermarket. Come back to Sandra D's in order to cook, am too hot, unable to think, don't ever want to cook.
But after a sit down, a cold drink, get underway with cooking. Put my new hat on along with my "Stuff Being a Princess I Want to Be Queen!" apron and prepare ingredients to make pastry for mini apple pies, start White Chrstmas, Sandra D does not have icing sugar as she thought so goes to buy some, I wait again. This time in the kitchen by the thawing pastry.
Sandra D finally returns, Ms Stash has arrived, finish making White Christmas, prepare pastry and have it in fridge chilling, prepare shortbread and place in fridge to chill. During all of this people keep wandering in to the kitchen making drinks, bikkies and cheese and various types of sandwich. What the .....???
And on top of all these other interruptions "Have you got your roster?" repeatedly. After putting on the oven and not making a drink before embarking on preparing egg and bacon quiches and sausage rolls (both with bought pastry fortunatly) I come to check my roster. Only have 2 days. Yeah!!!!
Now dear readers it is back to the hot kitchen to stand over a stove and cook the ham and onion, yes I know it's egg and bacon but Sandra D wanted ham for something else... Oh Drama!