Saturday, September 30, 2006
I went, I saw, I coastered!
Katt bought him a week after she got her baby from the very same shop for me. Such vibrant pieces of life they certainly leave a void now that they have gone.
Well, as for my recent abcense from Blog land, not from sudden lack of ability to type, or death or some other catastrophe like suddenly for once not actually having anything to say.
I was summoned (yes, just like a royal summons) to go and do family obligation and starve while going slowly mad. I left the care of the Great Daft White Cat to the capable Ms Stash.
Went to the library before I left town and hired the latest Stephanie Plum book through the express service all copies were out and I just couldn't wait any longer. Took me two nights to read it, and Sandra D about the same.
I went Tuesday, journey down wasn't too bad. I discovered in a local store on my journey to Hobart, that not only selling Easiyo kits they had those elusive extra jars!
And the Cadbury squiggle top biscuists Ms Stash has been lamenting she can not find anywhere. Boy do I know that feeling.
And I don't know if it was momentary euphoria or a sudden flash of divine intervention, but I bought the latest Creative Knitting. The first I've bought in a long, long time. Budget dosen't cover all luxerys so I've had to make harsh decisions when it came to my magazine habit.
I really like this issue, even after the euphoria phased. And was pleased to see an answer to my prayers (divine intervention alright), a pattern for a hat I adore that is made out of, can you believe it? The new Nundle Hemp/Wool blend just released! Only one ball - even better!
Furthur down the road in another little town, while browsing through a newsagent I picked up the latest Family Circle and off the discount table The Utterly Unrefined Cookbook - which brings together 50 British chefs with their recipies to help combat breast cancer by raising funds with the sale of this book.
Wednessday??? I don't believe I got far Wednesday, just vegged out. Made a Tea Cake, something I haven't made since I don't know when.
Thursday? I made a foray into that evil empire known here only as the Golden arches for breakfast, foole dno one and ordered a latte, nothing skinny about it. Hit the supermarket, stocked up on contraband with which I intended to smuggle into the house in my huge hand bag - big handbags are important for so many things!
Contraband is usually eaten alone, in my room at night after everyone else has gone to bed and consists of chocolate/Killer Pythons/twisties and anything else easily stored and requires nothing more than open packet and insert contents in face. No careful storing conditions either, stuff that can be literaly stuffed into bags, suitcases, under mattreses, in shoes...
Then I came home with my carefully concealed contraband, two new cd's from Chickenfeed's bargain priced discs loud rock music (Nickelback) and angry chick music (Pink). The first to disguise eating noises and the second because that's how I felt.
After that we made the Christmas pudding, so it's ready or should I say they as we had to make two as it wouldn't all fit into one cloth. Their hanging out to dry now, should be good for Christmas.
Friday? Got out the house and into town alone with Sandra D to test Starbucks, did not buy mug, Ms Stash demanded I least buy one that said Starbucks Hobart when I stated my intentions.
Alas, mugs started at $12.95 and one that said Starbucks Hobart was $20. So no mug, however I did buy a black rubber coaster consisting basicly of the Starbucks logo. It was only $2.
Great place, great coffee and hot chocolates, Sandra D found hers a little strong however.
Then onto my second highlight and regular if secret outing when in Hobart. Off to Flippers at the wharf for Flake and Chips and a Scallop or two. They do truly beautiful fish, I don't know how they manage it. I've eaten good but not better here in Launceston from a very prominant Fish and Chip shop, while good not as good as Flippers. I've since heard that the one here, in actual fact uses frozen fish, so while it is cooked fresh your fish has come form the deep freeze...
Popped into a second hand book shop I try to frequent every time I go to Hobart and picked up four back issues of Earth Garden. Then went to the library and discovered on their shelf, The Millionaire Float by Kirsty Brooks the third in her Cassidy Blair series. Number 4 is out so I am a little behind. Read it in a day. Can't wiat to get my hands on four, The Lady Splash!
Had dinner, with some more of the rellies, fab BBQ'ed chook. Lovely baked vegetables and some fresh aspargus all followed by pavlova and really good coffee.
Today was market day, off to Salamanca. Lots of beautiful but expensive things. I'm still imagining myself with a Led Zepplin bag ($60). I did by a new head band, only $5 so fit the budget well.
Got an early birthday present from visiting rellies who gave me 3/4 the cost of a screen printed bag with skulls ad crossed swords. Some local outfit, they removed the tag because I was going to use the bag rather than have it put in a bag.
Bought some fruit leather (raspberry) and coconut ice for me, the DWC and Ms Stash's beast who is a true fish boy got a treat from the Pet Treats stall, (all human grade ingredients no pet grade in any of the products).
Dried Anchovies and some Tuna Crunch which can be sprinkled on their food, I didn't really look at her dog choices.
Then was the long journey home, why does Hobart have to be so far away, I think they should move themselves closer.
Ms Stash had made me dinner, chicken-cauliflower curry. Absolutely beautiful. Came home to DWC, who didn't scream at me when I arrived, in fact he's rather subdued. Apart form the mad climbing-purring but no slobbering fortuantly.
We watched Doctor Who, a good one again. Look forward to next week, Billie Piper aka Rose is leaving at some point? A little uncertain if it's this season or next, but I'm hoping since this is supposedly "the last tale she will tell" it will be this season and we can get someone new and more interesting in time for the next season.
Discovered this pattern which I am sure Cindy will appreciate as much as I will, okay maybe not quite as much as I will, but as a felllow Terry Pratchetite the concept will amuse. A knitted Death of Rats! I must make one, I love the Death of Rats, almost as much as Death himself. I think in third palce would be Archchancellor Ridccully - shouting at people and jollying them along! And of course the fact he believes in BIG dinners!
Yes, I know most of this post has been about food, but then I am slightly obsessed with it, and lack of it and skull duggery required for certain amounts of it makes me slighlty more irritable and start to contemplate just how eating disorders ever truly came about.
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud if it.
Side note: Finished first Skull Sock of fury which is aptly named on Wednesday night, a little blocking, manual stretching and possibly some swearing and then I have decided depending on reults to rip back from the top and re-knit the intarsia/fair isle bottom up. More news when I am less furious enough to look at it with out plottign to start cutting...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
You call that a slab cake???
Yes THE Matt is another year older, and yes I do celebrate his birthday by having a mini-party by myself because I am a bit of a Nigel. But this year, I had Captain Denny and THE Matt himself to enjoy eating chocolate cake with me.
Does this surprise you dear readers? Maybe not those of you who've been here for the long haul but for new-comers it may seem a little weird.
And also today signals the official one month to my birthday at which I will be another year older....Only a month and I haven't even planned what cake I will have! I might try the chocolate one with espresso cream as featured in Nigella's Feast. I've been keen to try that one.
As for my interview, they were apparetnly hoping for a experienced applicant, but despite that I couldn't bring myself to ask why they'd called me in.
I knew I should have!
However dare I say it lest Mrs Dr Who is overcome with excitement???? (She does talk a lot about the Knitty magazine - it is a tad worrying!) Shaking hands with my interviewer was like holding a damp dishcloth, your shaking hands with someone when you first meet them, I expected a litle more. Or am I just some sort of bone crushing freak??
On a side note I found this exciting post while catchign up on Punk Rock Knit Giirls - Captain Jack Chart. I see a Poster Boy in my future.
That's all for tonight folks! I need my sleep despite the excitment of the party.
Until next time,
A bona fide tired red head and too damn tired to care about anything.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Random thoughts from my head
Located one of my "good" black skirts, worked mostly on the Skull sock about almost at eh half way mark for the foot now. Made a small ironing pile, watched Border Security then put Batman Returns on to pass the time till Crossing Jordan and continued work on the sock hence all the progress!
Dashed out to town today to arrange new clothes for my interview, snagged a shirt straight off in the first shop, and a jacket which was unfortunatly navy then spied black jackets - none in my size of course. Damn!
Debated about getting navy pants to match the jacket but didn't dare because the jacket alone was quite xxx'y and then I needed a shirt. Something un-white as I am a proud member of the black bra brigade.
So I now have the choice of my "good" black skirt, my work pants which are very presentable but also black to wear with my new navy jacket....
I also tried to seek out some navy shoes to wear, as I only have black shoes. But the two shoe stores and one department store I was in had all converted to "summer" styles so full of strappy open sandles/slides.
Probably should have given some thought to an outfit prior to now, but the difficulty to find anything decent and also the price when you do has made me a bit slack.
Ideally a suit would be good as it would be a matching set, but try buying them! How do people buy work clothes I don't know, because all round town they sell everyday floaty around clothes. Very limited choice in practical shirts.
Also had my hair done, trimmed, thinned and straightened. I'm almost a new woman!
All for a job I have no experience or qualifications for, but they still asked me to come for an interview! Who knows!
And a thought that inspired me to google, with Halloween coming up and being on our knitting coven day. I had to google!
Knit Witch
Knit Witch's Realm
Nocturnal Knit Witch
Knit Witch
Stitch Witch
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Avast land lubbers!
I made gingerbread muffins (arr, the exotic spice trade, arrr!) and topped them with pirate chocolates (Wrappers have a pirates face pictured on them and a cardboard hat backing).
I may be a working girl once again, I'll know more after Thursday, however it's a an area I've never worked in before. I may yet be able to post pone ringing up about th ejobs going at the Men's Gallery (No experience required, full training provided. I don't need to have worked in that area before! Wonder if they want waiting staff????). But technically I am required not just to seek work I want to do, but any I could do. Oh how I owuld love to put that down on my form!
Which brings me to a side note, apparently in Germany a woman can not legally claim to have exhausted all her employment opportunites unless she has considered everything. This includes prostitution which is a legal for m of employment evidently?
Kind of glad I'm not living in Germay.
Which brings us to a topic discussed at the knitting coven today. Yes, those adverts late at night. Mandy and Candy....
Well in Sydney there are legal brothels and I'm not sure if there are also in Victoria???? So while Mandy and Candy are hot (snort snigger) strippers for your mobile the theroy that this promotes something else may be true but in certiain places at least it's legal.
Avast! There be high seas to be sialed and navigated!
Mad Cutless Bootleg Sue
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Shiver me timbers or else!
What's more, how shameful is this? It's our knitting coven the same day!
The Original Talk Like a Pirate Day - (does feature a knit pattern! The Pirate Queen's Booty Bag!) Has wonderful advice on Talking LIke A Pirate in English, German, Swedish and Madarin. How to Pick Up a Pirate (take note boys especially if your Captain Jack, Matt Hardy or Denny Crane!).
Knit Like a Pirate
The Black Stitch
Yarn Pirate
Laurel's Pirate Knitting - A very interesting knit blog!
And as for the actual knitting. Well anything with a skull or skull and crossbones should be suitable....Oh and a really big hat!
Kid's Pirate Hat
Skull and Crossbones Cloth
We Call Them Pirates (hat)
Pirate Mittens
Skull Cable
Big Skull Tote
Mini Skull Tote
Skull Socks of Fury
Skull and Needles Knitting Bag
Felted Bag with Fair Isle Skulls
Skull and Dogbones
Skull Scarf
Skull Illusion Scarf
Skinny Skull Scarf
Skull Chart
Pirate Arrrgh-yle Chart
Skull Mug Cosy
Jack Sparrow's Favourite Socks (There certainly going to be mine!)
Snowball's Chance in Hell
Nuclear Family
There be no excuse for you worthless land lubbers not to make something in honour of Talk Like a Pirate day! Arr!
If you don't , ye'll be made to walk the plank! Arr!
So many good things!
With my Secret Pal who has sent me an e-card! How exciting??? I am absolutly thrilled.
Then we have an invite to join the Intolerable Cruelty KAL - maybe I will get the skirt made and go to the ball after all! Now I just have to pick yarn.....
Dug upone local supplier, anybody know of any others? Bamboo.
And thirdly, the Bondi Chai people e-mailed to say they'd read my comments on how much I liked their stuff and offered to send me a packet. Which has left me in a bit of a state of shock! Never imagined my ramble would inspire someone to give me something.
And here I was rabbiting on about how things come in three's!
Until next time,
A bona fide and very pleased red head.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Lack of insight
And then I found this....
You Are Animal |
![]() A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts. You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary. But you sure can beat a good drum. "Kill! Kill!" |
And becuase I don't have anythign better to do, I found this one!
You Are an Espresso |
![]() At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping Your caffeine addiction level: high |
I'm off in search of caffeine and possibly a doughnut.
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I'm so exicted!!!
I should have realised just because they don't talk about wrestling action figures, "Denny Crane!" or zombies that there wouldn't be that much difference and I could actually come up with some good ideas for parcels.
Buying for people I know is always so hard, but someone I don't know, well they won't be forced to like it (or wear it) I suppose.
On the knitting front, yesterday I knitted Sandra D a phone cosy. Started it Tuesday and did about 4 rows. Ploughed through yesterday. I'm hoping to get a start ona Moda Vera "Piuma" scarf while I watch Bones tonight.
I saw Bones for the first time last week, and am a little uncertain who everyone is and how they belong but I'm hoping to get up to speed tonight.
I'm making a pilgrimmage to see the new Starbucks in Hobart, some time over the next couple of weeks. Go and see why it's so special - aside from appearing in countless American movies and tv shows.
Nigella, has (as well as Feast which is airing in Canada and the US next month), started filming a new Chirstams series, unlike the last one which was one extended episode this will be a 3-parter.
I can't wait to see these out here!
And while on Nigella and her news page they now have an errata available for her books, worth a look if anybody owns any. Nigella Corrections.
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I don't believe it!
Nundle Woolen Mill now produce a Hemp-Wool blend! In both 8 and 20-ply. How exciting is this? I could actually be knitting things in a hemp-wool blend, from my very own fair Australian shores!!!
Normally exciting things like this take place elsewhere and I wait impatiently for things like bamboo yarn to appear on my local yarn stores shelves.
While at $10 for a 50gm ball of 8ply is quite pricey, it's probably cheaper than an already knitted tea cosy out of this new blend which retails for $42!!!! Or fingerless gloves for $33, at that price I'll make my own I think.
Until next time,
A very excited redhead and damn proud of it!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I'll have what she's having!
More to the long list, will it ever end?
My top pick is Intolerable Cruelty.
Followed by Viveka, Avast, Sugar on Snow (for sheer amazing accessory ability), Lucie and while I don't know I would ever knit it, I will fantasise about knittting it - Lizard Ridge.
Now I must go and organise myself, allt he things that got postpond while I was a student have come back to haunt me, some iron wrangling and just possibly some light baking...
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
What a day!
While not trying to be (I'm not going to try I'm just going to be) a harbinger of doom, these things come in threes.
Ms Stash has vacated herself away for a few days, the Panta pattern confuses me. So I've mooched about reading cookbooks and watching Nigella videos. And periodically shooshing the white cat who is not merely daft but disturbed. I don't know what's got into him today.
A quick search of google provided me with a link to a supplier for the malva non-alcoholic syrups suitable for flavouring mocktails and such. Non-Alcoholic Wine, an Australian supplier of non-alcoholic and dealcohised wine, beer and mixers.
A very interesting site. And not too badly priced I'm looking at $11 including frieght to get the particular bottle I want.
I've also typed up my cocktail recpies so you all can get mixing at home, there over at the Inn so just click here for a direct link.
Reading labels, which is how I orignally found out some suppliers for other products I found out and about and wanted to have at home to use, was the Da Vinci Gourmet syrups. It had a website on it's label, but most of the information relates to it's home country of USA. But it has a massive recipe section, so if short of ideas of how to use your syrups it's the place to look.
Then there is Bondi Chai, I love their cinnamon one! Absolutly delish. They have a website based here in Australia. With recipes no less!!
House has a website, slightly boring I might add. Habitat has one that is much mroe interactive and includes the latest catalogue to look at.
Now somewhere I am going to get lost in is the Fox Run Craftsmen site. That close to that many cookie cutters???
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Schools out! For summer! It's been blown to hell!
We had our evaluaiton this morning where our teacher cheerfully(of course he's cheerful he's about to go on holiday) that most of us still have stuff to complete before we can get our Cert 3.
I was the last person to drag myself over for the "little talk", only apparently it seems there was nothing to talk about as it looks so far as I have passed everything.
Nothing as yet stands out as needing to be done still. Nothing???? Nothing??? But then I did have the good fortune not to be here all yesterday afternoon trying to finish assignments and various other assessments.
For once in my life!
Off to lunch soon with some of the class I think??? We keep dwindling in numbers. Kind of like our class in general.
On a side note Bill and Ted have resurfeced, and yesterday Ted had to teach me to tie a tie in our coach others practical. I couldn't tie a tie before and think I am only more vaguely aware now.
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Extras are easy!
My pirate name is:
Mad Bess Bonney

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
Found it on Monster Crochet's blog, which I eneded up at after reading about their Wearable Cobweb on Stigmata Knits. Now all I ned is a yellow submarine and the ability to crochet....
School's Out!
I am a free woman! Everything is done, handed in or acted out. Today I had to coach someone in making a pot of tea. I had to imagine they just landed form Mars and knew nothing about tea.
So I found some interesting sites on tea to have as a reference.
Now that I am all done, I finally have a Thursday night that’s mine and I plan to watch Bones for the first time. And work on some knitting.
I am going to decipher the Panta Code! I have been meaning to start this forever, I have the pattern and some yarn earmarked. I just need to figure out the equations.
Well I have two lots ear marked, some Wine 12ply and some Burgundy 12ply I bought with the Panta in mind.
Any advice on Panta making???? And don’t anybody say don’t do it, I have made up my mind.
I’m looking forward to my next trip to the coven. I have a calamity with a sock that needs urgent attention. What was supposed to be the heel needles, I have inadvertnly managed to knit one heel needle and one of the “reserve” needles.
And also I miss the intelligent conversation that goes on! I fear class has been too much of a pressure cooker situation.
I’m going to eat a Mexican wrap, and drink a Chai latte and it will all be good. I can visulise it now.
Fiinally done my questionairre for PRGE, I can't wait for it to start and find out who I will get! I'll ahve to check and see if Igor has my parcell ready. Igor! Igor! Igor!
Until next time,
A bona fide red head looking for a reliable Igor and damn annoyed about it.
Punk Rock Gift Exchange Questionaire
Knitting - 3 years? About I think.
2) Do you consider yourself a beginner, novice, or experienced Yarn Artist?
A Novice by this stage.
3) What type of fibers have you worked with?
Everything just about, no alpaca or cotton yet.
4) What types are you dying to try?
Alpaca? Cotton?
5) Are you allergic to anything, (Fibers, Food, Smells that make you want to puke, etc.)?
No, nothing that I am yet aware of.
6) Do you have any Disorders, ex: Diabetes?
Aside from being insanity?
7) What is your Favorite Time/Style period, ex: Romatic, Grecian,Metal, Goth,etc?
8) What fibers do you dislike?
Some acrylics, they feel naaasty!
9) Name some of your favorite Artist, Movie wise, Television if you watch it ex: I heart Keanu, some things cant be helped, and Rachel loves Mike Ness !?
Johnny Depp
10) Whos your favorite Character ex: Jack or Cpt Jack?
11) Do you prefer natural colored fibers, or handpainted/dyed fiber?
No preference - just so long as it's dark colours I'm happy
12) What are you favorite colors?
Black, Blue, Purple and red
13) What colors do you dislike?
PINK!!!! Not to fond of yellow and orange either.
14) What projects are you currently working on?
Far too many socks!
15) Do you have a wishlist?
Ah, no. Well I do but it's huge and completly insane.
16) Do you have any other favorite hobbies?
Cooking! Pirates? Is that a hobby? Being a pirate perhaps?
17) Whens your birthday?(mm/dd) (Thanks Rach')
23rd October
18) What is your favorite food, candy, scents that you love!! Etc.?
Choclate! Coffee! Chocolate! Did I mention coffee???
19) Are you pierced at all? Any tattoos? Can you/would you wear jewelery that isn't real?
Not currently but have been nose/ears/navel and will probably be once again. No tatts as of yet. Sob.
20) What do you like Culturally, ex: Celtic, African, Devil Worshiping, Kidding!?
Celtic - a lot of my ancestry is form there! Asian.
21) What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
My knitting bags and an ice bucket (a Millienum one no less)
22) What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
Metal/Rock but I do also like Madonna and Cher and a bit of that stuff called rap. Yes, I think so.
23) What's your favorite season and why?
Winter, because it's more likely to be cold and wet and it's easier to be miserable old miser.
24) What season do you abhor?
Summer - Far too hot!
25) How about Sports, any that you just cant get enough of or do they make you throw up in your mouth just a little?
Sports? Bah no! Unlessyou include pole dancing.
26) What is your family situation Do you live alone?
I live with Mr Invisable and a number of action figures.
27) Do you have any pets?
The Daft white Cat and rebel band of lint.
28) Do you like handmade gifts?
Love them! That added personal touch is very heart warming - but not too much!
29) What's your favorite thing to make, knit/crochet or other craft wise?
Scarfs? I seem to make a lot, proabbly because there so versatile. Closely followed by hats. I am a hat person.
30) Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Either or, depending on my project.
31) Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
32) Tell us how you learned to knit/crochet?
I saw the first SnB book and started with squares to see if I caould do it and boom! Here I am.
33) Do you enjoy getting helpful hints from others or does it just piss you off?
Ummmmmm, yes and no. Depending on what it is.
34) How old is your oldest UFO?
Probably 3 years?
35) Is there anything that you collect?
Cookie cutters! Anything Halloween related, anything with skulls, oh and aprons!
36) Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Happy Hooker! Noro Gemstones. Skull Needles. 2.5mm bamboo/pony pearl double points. LoTech Sweat Silk Corset Domknitrix Book
37) What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have if any?
38) Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
39) Do you enjoy knitting socks? How big are yer boats (feet)?
Yeah, size 9 Aussie which is about a US 9/10 in cms/inches ??????
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
When I Was Young
As the Animals famously sang.
I do believe they also sang about Spillling the Wine which may have been an equal refrence, but no wine was actually spilt.
I awoke yesterday with a incredibly sore throat, and Iwsn't he only one, Ms Stash also seemed to be suffering this malady. Today I awoke with a slightly less sore thorat, but my voice was starting to go.
I've finished my last assignment ready to hand in tomorrow, completed all the theroy that goes with my practical tomorrow as well, so I am off to have a hot, hot shower in an attempt to warm my cold, cold bones.
But tomorrow is the last class! The very last! And it will all be over, I just have to hand in my work diary. To show what I have been signed of for. Then I am a free woman till my certificate comes and I find out how I did or at least till Friday morning when I have to go back for the end of course wrap up where we all find out (I guess if it's like the mid course) what we haven't done, what if anything we can do make up.
Would it surprise you at all dear readers if I told you I was ready for it to be over? Cert 2 turned out to be less scary than I thought it would be, and I coped very well. Cert 3 has been not difficult, but harder and as someone who is best left to count the railings under close supervision it has been a challenge.
If nothing else I can see myself happily washing dishes, I love washing dishes. I think it's because I get to play with the dishwasher. Always fun!
Not fun - trying to open bottles of wine with a waiters friend, I struggled on the Bar course and I struggled this time around.
Do you know, when I did the bar course Boags was in partnership with class at the time so we got Boags t-shirts mine is still in it's plastic wrap never worn, because we never got our Friday night prac. They closed for Christmas.
But since I have my certificate, everybody seems to think I know what I'm doing in the bar. Isn't faith a wonderful thing?
Until next time,
A bona fide red head and damn proud of it.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I'm the Woman!
Only another three to go and I've covered everythign, if I'll pass is a nother matter. Food and Bev I'm confident about, I know my food. Wine evaulation ahs me bothered, I give a tutired tasting tomorrow on wine. And then the day after it is coaching others, not looking forward to that one at all.
So far so good, I will come out with a certificate with something on it.
When blogger is being less disagreeable I will post the rest of the Smokey Joes pictures.
As for Fitknit's question, well, my fellow coven goers are a bit fo a rabble rousing lot....Oh wait did you mean Captian Denny and The Matt?????
However on the downside I awoke this morning to disocever my cold had returned with a vengance! Hence my cocktail today was a Tart Vengance. A little true to it's name, in future we will avoid soda water and go for lemon squash.
Today was Knitting Coven day, and I didn't get to go, but the very lovely Cndy me a present, it's a very awesome crocheted pot holder with a skull on it! A visit to the Green Woman's blog will reveal it!
As many of you who follow my blog know, I frequently ahve dinner with Ms Stash. Well now it's my turn to cook dinner for once, on Thursday we will be having one of Ainsley's recipes. A very yummy sounding spaghetti bake from his Gourmet Expres 2.
Friday I am meant to be out with my class, I presume were all still going out. (Long story, very long story.)
As for Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He'll certainly leave a bit of a gap. But I suppose he went boots on figurtivly speaking. Which is how I intend to go.
Plans are a foot to make Nigella's Malteaser Cake, possibly next week and see what it is actually like. It sounds very nice, but then most of her chocolate cake chapter in Feast does. I'm keen to make the Espresso Cakee with cappacino Cream, but fear that may be a private indulgence, as Ms Stash dosen't like coffee....
On Sunday being Fathers day, Ms Stash and I did our duty and made lunch, Beef in Oyster Sauce and Chincken in Lemon Sauce.
So we finally got to try the new deep fryer. The chicken came up beautiful! The plans now are to try a bit of fish, and do our own fish and chips - in a beer batter of course!
Lunch was followed by Pavlova, not form scratch this time, I was a sligtly lazy and bought the magic egg, but he batter fr the lemon chicken provided me with two left over egg whites which are now stashed int eh freezer waiting for more so I can have them ready for my next pav.
What else is on my list? Some knitting of course, after Thursday I should be back into it. I have to finish off some assignments the ext couple of nights and then my life replys to semi normal, hopefully!
Until next time,
A bona fide redhead and damn proud of it.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Put this in your pipe and smoke it!

See her eaing the rice?

Here's Captain Denny with the Chicken Fajitas.
"I'm picking up strange readings from this! Perhaps I should test it? Write about it in my Captian's Log? Captain's Log Year on the 4th day of Frogwiggler, discovered new and amazing dish."

Here we have some maurading cave woman eating ribs....try not to get to close!

Ah, here's THE Matt Hardy with my Beff Fajitas, this is also what Mrs Dr Who who was sitting next to me ordered. They were absolutely delicious!
TMH was not playing nice, I think he was eyeing off Mrs Dr Who's fajitas and planned to steal it while she wasn't looking.

Make my own creme brulee, Nigella has at least 2 recipies for it. One for a Brulee and another she calls Christmas Brulee.
And now for a minor interruption while I try to get Blogger to upload more pictures!
I saw this book while out and about today and just new I had to add it to my collection, I collect kitschy cookbooks and when I saw Ralph's Tongmaster I had to have a laugh.
Aside from being a BBQ book aimed at the good old Aussie "bloke", the names where too much! Especially in the chapter for cooking to impress women. "Give Mary Her Little Lamb!" - declared one page in bold print. Another bore the title "A Nice Rack!" and was a rack of lamb BBQ'ed.
I'll have to see if it's still there when I go back, otherwise I'll have to see if someone somewhere will order it for me.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
New day dawns and another sets.
Ms Stash and I made the Arabian Breakfast from Feast, I don't know if my rose water ahs been knockign about too long or if it was the particualr brand but it was like eating perfume. Blah!!!
Waste of what would have otherwsie been a nice piece of watermelon.
I'm very excited, I have been invited to join a new grup blog! By the lovely Ms Fortuknit (who I think I still ahve to tell what season of Boston Legal were up to? I'm not sure the number but Denny has married and divorced Bev, and that was a few weeks maybe a month ago? About 4 episodes ago. If anyone esle can supply more precise details I would be grateful!)
Stigmata Knits is the name, very excited to see what creative impulses we can come up with!
The new MagKnits is up, and unlike the latest Knitty it hasn't taken me an eon to get over and see it, my two picks are Seaside and Inner Truth (which reminds me of my aran ear warmer and also I really liked the colour).
Has anybody else been following Punk Rock Knit Girls? Some of the designs and patterns are amazing! And I have been inspired all over again by a link someone provided for a Skinny Skull Scarf!
And one for if I ever do! A handspun ear warmer with ankhs!
Something very exciting has happened! Yes, the casket lid has been closed and sealed on the Punk Rock Gift Exchange and very soon it'll start!
It's Alive! It's Alive! It's Alive! Igor!!! Quickly fetch my goods for postage!!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Jeramiah Was A Bullfrog!
Finally I got to Smokey Joes! After the Green Woman taunted us for so long about the food - Chili Cheese Fries! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
After the first failed outing, it simply got more and more excitng as Tuesday night approached. No I don't have much of a life.
My only regret? Not ordering more! I should have worn the eating pants!!
Actually I don't know what eating pants are, it's just something I keep saying to Ms Stash on various occasions and she collapses laughing saying "No! Stop it! Stop sayng it!". I won't till she gives me a shrubery, a really nice one!
For starters I had Chilli Cheese Fries and Popcorn Chicken which I shared with Ms Stash, next time I'm not sharing the Fries! Followed up by beef fajitas, they were nice. I was tempted by other things and momentarily regretted it, but when they arrived at the table I knew I had made the right choice.
I had to brandish a piece under Ms Stash's nose and say "Look! It's pink in the middle and I'm still eating it!". Actually when she made the Beef in Oyster Sauce she thought I hadn't noticed the beef was still pink in the middle, I did notice. I just didn't care.
For dessert, the very wonderful and I so should have ordered two, Muddy Creme Brulee. It was pure bliss! Then I decided to finish the night off with a Chocolate Milkshake, more like a thickshake. It was nice, a little too nice. Ms Stash ended up finishing it for me, she is very dutiful.
Mae West I think said "Too much of a good thing is wonderful", normally the only thing I put in this catergory is the Me Wah, Nigella or perhaps Ms Stash's cook-along of Kylie Kwong (that beef in oyster sauce was orgasmic!). But now Smokey Joes is going to be put in that catergory.
I enjoyed myself throughly, haven't had that good a time since I don't know when. As for everyone else, I can't speak for them, and quite honestly as much as I like them all, I really don't care.
Aside from eating beef that is pink in the middle, on Monday in class we had Laksa (chicken and prawn) and I love laksa! But we also had cherry tomatoes with pesto and boccacini, I am a late convert to pesto, good pesto that is I have had some nasty ones hence the late conversion. Also we had Mussels, didn't really taste of anything probably needed more wine when being steamed.
Marinated feta, I don't like feta it tastes like soap, but the marinated stuff was nice and I ate for the first time ever artichoke hearts! And they were nice and all, especially with the feta.
And Ceaser salad! I love Caeser Salad, the orignal not any of these new added in stuff ones.
And cavair - only the red stuff. It was on pumpernickel with egg mayonaise, didn't really taste of much except pumpernickel?
And we had some dips, standered supermarket choice. Nothing wildly exciting there.
Tuesday afternoon we had the exciting cocktail class I made a frappe Hell Froze Over, a shaken cocktail which has the boring title of Choc Orange and then a Mocktail which I am naming Death on the Beach.
I've also designed a 3 layer shooter, which I haven't tested yet, the Mad Monk. And of course my very wonderful Redhead's Revenge which needs to be finalised and perfected. I feel a trip to the supermarket.
I'll post the recipies up for anyone who is interested in trying them at home over here. (proabbly not there yet though, check back later!).
Then we had practical last night, I did not have a good day. I needed a time out, I blame the implant (really its my fault for not getting it done sooner) I think is was a shock to the system. I cried for 40 mins and I just couldn't stop, I had to see my teacher to say I would go and come back. I felt like such a fraud, but he kept asking me is something wrong, has something happened. No, I'm just not having a good day and I just need to go away.
The stupid thing is there was nothing wrong, I was just miserable for no reason.
Although haivng said that, I'm not feeling very bright this morning either.
Ah well, no class today so I can work on all my assignments. One big one on beverage knowledge I think is all it is? Wine regions, methods of making spirits ( a case for the CFI's I think!) and beer and stuff like that.
Then my tutored wine tasting, and now some stuff for my cocktails class and somethign else, I don't know? I didn't really look at them, and I wasn't haveing a real brillant night. I'll have to find them this morning and see what they are.
But so far, I actually seem to have done really well with all my assignmetns, I haven't had to redo any of the tests either. What I am very pleased about is that despite missing a week of classes last week. And not beign there to do the word lists in our food knowledge. I got all but one in the test, it was Kipfler. I knew the name but I couldn't place where I knew it from. After I handed it in, the word potato popped into my head.
But I got every other one right! All this time of not living a life has given me years and years to watch all the coking shows and read all the food magazines, and finally it hasn't been in vain!
But back to what I was actually talking about last night, I don't know maybe it was a full moon, maybe it was the final night of practical and some of us will still have class to finish off our certificates but some only had to do the practicals to finish so we won't see them now after last night so perhaps people felt it was perhaps time to say what they'd been waiting the whole time to say, I don't know, I really don't, and also I really didn't care bucause I had my own shit to deal with and try to keep together to manage last night.
It was on for young and old, one bruhaha after another. Everybody's coming out to the stillroom and scullery to have a bitch out of sight of the teachers. (If you want to know gossip, or hear who did what or who said what and who dosen't like who, the scullery is the place to linger.)
I just nodded at appropiate intervals and did my work. However last night was worse than ever, so I'm kind of glad it was the last.
I've rambled enough I think today, I'm about to go and make some breakfast and a good cup of tea. Wonder what it will be like next Friday as we're meant to be haivng a lunch together. Eeeeep!
A bonafide very tired and miserable redhead.