Saturday, March 05, 2005

Good Intentions and all.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think they may be right.

I intended to do some more work on the two-faced Alien last night while I gawped at Matt Hardy. Did I mention it's been quite some time since I've seen Matt Hardy?
I did far too much gawping and absolutley no knitting, however I got my tape measure out and thought about making Matt a sweater.
Six pictures down here should be about the right size, but I suspect my tv is not to scale.

I've found a fantastic new craft site I have fallen madly in love with and once again uttered the words if only I could crochet. - where they have a crochet pattern for a flying pig.

While talking about sites the button formation continues, Amanda may have the answer I need.
Yes I do talk about Amanda a lot. It's a close competition between her and Matt Hardy.

Speaking of Matt Hardy, there's new meat on the market! It's still kinda unofficial official at this point, but Matt Hardy may be a free man. Referring to him as if he's a walking side of beef may be slightly cruel since he probably has a brain and feelings - but the Bad Ass Knitter Shoes don't care. They think he could be Rocky Horror to our Frank-N-Furter.
The BAK Shoes and I are hoping he's coming on the WWE Austrlian tour. Because the Shoes and I will be able to offer him a shoulder to cry on in this hour of our his need.

Enough about me (yes, and about the Shoes. See I mentioned you, now be quiet or I'll put you back in the Closet.) I really should be getting back to knitting as that two faced Alien needs to become a three faced Alien.

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